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Movie Trailer Generation

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Introducing NeuoLink’s Trailer Generation Transformer (TGT), a deep-learning framework utilizing an encoder-decoder architecture. TGT movie encoder is tasked with contextualizing each movie shot representation via self-attention, while the autoregressive trailer decoder predicts the feature representation of the next trailer shot, accounting for the relevance of shots’ temporal order in trailers. .

Movie trailers are an essential tool for promoting films and attracting audiences. However, the process of creating trailers can be time-consuming and expensive. To streamline this process, we propose an automatic trailer generation framework that generates plausible trailers from a full movie by automating shot selection and composition. Our approach draws inspiration from machine translation techniques and models the movies and trailers as sequences of shots, thus formulating the trailer generation problem as a sequence-to-sequence task. We introduce Trailer Generation Transformer (TGT), a deep-learning framework utilizing an encoder-decoder architecture. TGT movie encoder is tasked with contextualizing each movie shot representation via self-attention, while the autoregressive trailer decoder predicts the feature representation of the next trailer shot, accounting for the relevance of shots’ temporal order in trailers. Our TGT significantly outperforms previous methods on a comprehensive suite of metrics.

Artificial Intelligence refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. It involves the creation of algorithms and models that enable machines to learn, reason, perceive.

Adam Peterson

The development of neural networks is a specialized task that requires expertise and experience. Our team of skilled professionals excels in designing and implementing neural network architectures tailored to your specific business needs. From traditional feedforward networks to advanced convolutional and recurrent networks, we have the knowledge and skills to build models that deliver superior performance and accuracy.

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